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He is of European ancestry and possesses New Zealand citizenship. Eli Matthewson Age And Net Worth ExploredĪs of April 2022, Eli Matthewson is 33 years old. Matthewson and Williams join YouTuber Jojo Siwa, who was a part of the first same-sex pairing on Dancing With The Stars US, and Olympic boxer Nicola Adams and television presenter John Whaite, who were respectively a part of the first female and first male same-sex pairings on Strictly Come Dancing, the United Kingdom’s version of Dancing With The Stars. In Europe, as well as in Australia in 2019, when former RuPaul’s Drag Race competitor Courtney Act and her partner Joshua Keefe conquered the season, same-sex couples have been seen on the franchise. Despite the fact that he finds it daunting, he values the message it gives to LGBT youth. He thinks it’s past time for boys to dance with boys on the show, and he’s surprised it hasn’t happened yet.

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